I am endlessly captivated by the enigmatic nature of human behaviour—the fleeting gestures, the transient tapestry of expressions. For me, it's the dance of light that defines every moment.
As an artist, I am fascinated and drawn to light; it shapes my inspiration and becomes my guiding force. The slightest shift in its nuances can metamorphose a figure or transform a landscape in a heartbeat.
My pursuit is to encapsulate the essence of a subject, to crystallise its transient enchantment. Through my art, I aim not only to depict scenes but to evoke emotions that reverberate within the spaces of those who collect my work. I endeavour to infuse vibrancy into the world, one stroke at a time.
My creative process mirrors my approach to life—assertive, spontaneous, and swift. These traits define my art, therefore people sometimes call me an 'action painter.'
I like to imagine different scenes and feelings from anywhere, anytime. These thoughts inspire me. Memories, distance, and time make me think and create. I paint what really moves me, what speaks to my heart. When everything comes together just right, I feel the need to put it onto a canvas.
Colours hold a profound significance in my world—they're the embodiment of sheer beauty.
Engaging with art, be it through creating, admiring artworks, or savouring photographs and prints, brings me immeasurable joy.
Interestingly, my fascination leans more toward revealing in art's beauty rather than solely creating it. The beauty in art evoke a profound sense of happiness, contentment, and joy in me.
Amidst life's complexities, I find peace in the simplicity of art's allure. My pleasure is twofold: in crafting art and immersing in its inherent beauty. Each stroke of paint brings immense delight, and I deeply wish for others to experience the joy residing in colours and the enchanting beauty they emanate.